Here is a little change-up in our blog posts this month with a podcast interview Anita Heidema did with me. Anita is also an I C Publishing author and inspiring individual with much to offer. Her Aha Moments for Success podcast provides a refreshing and down-to-earth introduction and discussion on some pretty meaningful content. Anita has invited a number of very successful and passionate colleagues to share their Aha moments, including three tips they would recommend to others given their life and work experience so far.

I have outlined a very abbreviated version of my thirty-minute interview with Anita below, along with the link for the full and lively chat Anita and I had. One listener said it was just like sitting with their friends around the kitchen table, she loved it. Perhaps it will serve as a positive refresher of what you already know. At the same time, there may be a story or experience we share that will give you a new perspective on something you’ve never considered before. Either way, I hope you enjoy.

My Aha moment – Don’t take stuff personally . . . (I expanded on this very thoughtfully in the interview.)

My Three Tips – It was hard to keep it to three in thirty-three years, so I found a way to break down my three tips into three additional sub-points. In the interview, we discuss some powerful examples and great stories too.

  • Do what you love.
    1. Work even when you don’t feel like it; be disciplined. If we only relied on being motivated, and waited until we felt like doing something, we’d never do it.
    2. Study and practice your craft.
    3. Entrepreneurs and authors, treat what you do as a real job . . .
  • Bloom where you’re planted.
    1. Know what you want to do and what matters to you.
    2. Use your gifts and talents for good.
    3. Avoid comparison except for inspiration and an example of what you’re aspiring to.
  • Recognize and honour the different stages of life and business, and structure your days accordingly.
    1. For example, it is natural to spend more time building your network in the early stages of your career; and later on, a bit more time in your office to tend to your growing or established client base.
    2. Be in the moment as much as possible with yourself, family, and work.
    3. Always practice self-care. This doesn’t always mean going to the spa or taking an entire day off, although it can. Make a long list of things that fill you up and enjoy them often, such as a good meal, a walk in nature, working out, reading, quality time with your children, life partner, and pets. Devote time to creating: writing, sketching/doodling, baking/cooking, building, and other hobbies. Consider holistic treatments that also help keep you well such as aromatherapy and registered massage, reflexology, and so on.

There is much more in the interview, so here it is: Simply scroll down to just below my bio, and click on the play arrow.

Here’s to Aha moments and following your dreams!

Warmest regards,


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