Featured next, and contributing to our team posts, is our editor and client liaison, Sarah Newton, sharing her profound insights on self-expression in writing, ethics within that self-expression, and writing for one’s culture.  

Self-Expression in Writing

It may seem obvious to consider self-expression as an inherent aspect of writing, but it’s only in the subtle nuance that the impact of self-expression becomes apparent.

Self-expression is the driving force that compels our pens in the directions we travel, stirred from the depths as we are to put to paper our inmost reflections.

Well planned and honest self-expression shares the best of personal experience in a relevant and thoughtful way. By authentically representing one’s inner wealth, our reader can benefit fully and it should be every determined writer’s work to pursue this craft consciously.

As writers of memoir and testimony, we are invited to make a meaningful impact by scrutinizing our own experiences. When we recall why we write and we can connect with the natural and impressive flow of the written word, we become authentic witnesses to our time.

Writers at I C Publishing shed light on new directions; synthesize cultural developments and relay events in a way that’s palpable and wholesome. It is my firm belief that from this collection of perspectives, Canada’s true nature improves.

Self-Expression and Ethics

To examine the ethics of self-expression, let’s look at the work of two contemporary Indian non-fiction writers.

It happened in Southern India, mid-twentieth Century . . . Sri Chinmoy, enduring the untimely passing of both of his parents, had the good fortune to meet and study with Sri Aurobindo for an intensely creative period of that poet seer’s life.

By observing with care as Sri Aurobindo entered into numerous deep and creative writing jags, the student of the great discoverer began to elevate his own writings to the arch of his most refined sensibilities.

Sri Aurobindo churned out visions that revealed aspects integral to human nature. Aurobindo taught Chinmoy to write as if a divine discourse fueled the intricacy of modern life.

They both applied the principle of surrender and went within to present their uniquely creative visions in hundreds of works of non-fictional poetry, music, and prose.

It was their goal to illustrate how self-expression flows from a place that can’t be tainted. These men make the case that to write from one’s most pristine state, is to be perfectly ethical.

Like with anything in life, writers must expand the extent to which our authentic self-reflections populate our stories.

Those we love, the roads we roll, what fascinates us, and how often we allow life to enrich our work shows up on paper, clearly so these men have proposed.

Sheri often tells me how moved she is by the unique and interesting stories writers bring to I C Publishing. We assist our partner-writers to exhibit the best of their own story, in my case . . . inspired by these men.


Content and Culture

Writing for one’s culture is foremost, a shared experience in that we all write for our countries everyday. We write forms, applications, and financial transactions that affect social change with staggering collective significance.

Writers are employed to keep good records of our every transaction. There are policy writers, code writers, and writers that implement what is written. We see biased writers with agendas and soft-spoken intellects for truth.

Then there are the legacy writers, the large sweeping vision pavers that motivate entire generations to ever higher planes.

Memoir, testimonial, and non-fictional prose writers have the potential to clarify and quantify contemporary experience par excellence. The “mainstream” journalistic framework seems too jaded currently to document pertinent developments in art and culture credibly, and the internet seems also to be an unreliable and inconsistent source.

To organize the aspects of a culture with integrity and accuracy should be the drive of every good writer baring witness through the use of non-fictional prose. We can and should polish the human elements made available to us through culture, perchance to observe how our thoughts can motivate concurrent events and perhaps move an entire generation.

The specialized associates at I C Publishing are here to support your unique writing process and enhance your efforts to exhibit clearly and simply the many fascinating facts of your unique and relevant story.

I invite you to come back soon, reach out to us by email, phone, or social media, and feel free to share our work with your friends and colleagues if you are moved to do so—you will be supporting our amazing authors. And there’s a lot more in store . . . including the exciting unveiling of The Simplicity Project New Edition by author Jenn Pike, interview with first time author, Christina Hunter, featuring her beautiful anthology just in time for Mother’s Day, All Out of Womb, and another team post on “Getting In The Write Space” by our editor, Cheryl Moore!

Wishing you the very best in your writing journey and success.

Warmest regards,

Sheri and the I C Publishing Team

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Sarah_NewtonAbout Sarah Newton: Although very passionate and confident in her skills, Sarah Newton is very humble when it comes to touting accolades and credentials. That said, I think her writing speaks for itself. In addition to her formal education and experience, rich with writing and literature courses, Sarah has had wonderful influences in life, including her great-great grandmother who co-wrote and edited Sewing Seeds in Dani with Nellie McLung, and her great grandmother, an accomplished poet. As well, both her grandfathers recited epic poems as a past time when she was young. It’s no wonder she has such respect and affection for self-expression and the written word.

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