New I C Publishing author, Christina Hunter, is another shining example of what’s possible when you have a dream and you want to help others. Christina’s first book is called, All Out of Womb – A Collection of Birth Stories. She had so many questions when she was pregnant with her first child. Even with thorough research, there was a personal element missing in the information she gathered. After having her first daughter, Christina was deeply inspired and compelled to collect and share personal birth stories to support others like herself.
Incredibly raw and beautifully written, these eleven stories carry the reader through the late stages of pregnancy and childbirth. At times hilarious and often full of emotion, All Out of Womb will leave new moms-to-be feeling confident and amazed at the miracle that is birth. For those of us who have already traveled this road—mothers, fathers, and their families—it will reawaken the memories as they began. The stories never grow old and bear repeating for our next generation.
I personally believe in the old adage that it takes a village to raise a child, and it’s a great metaphor for life. What a beautiful beginning each of these children have.
I invite you to get to know our new author, Christina, and enjoy this lovely interview that follows:
What inspired you to write this book?
When I was pregnant with my first child, I felt a need and desire for hearing other women’s stories. Sure, you can read all the medical texts about what is supposed to happen, but I wanted to know how I was going to feel and what I may be thinking or doing when labour would begin for me. I knew others had to feel the same way, and so I began collecting birth stories to share with others with that same curiosity.
What do you want others to gain from your book?
For the women reading that are about to have their own journey into motherhood, I trust they will find same inspiration and confidence in reading these stories as I have. For the ones who have already been down that path, I hope it helps them to relive that special time in their lives. For the birth partners and care providers, I want them to truly know how important their role is; how they shape the story for the birthing woman, and ultimately shape her confidence. Ultimately, my wish is that everyone reading All Out of Womb takes away the knowledge that birth is about so much more than just the main event.
What was your creative process for this project?
It began as a loose collection of stories that were built upon over time. It took six years to complete, with many stops and stalls along the way. I joke that this process taught me a lot about labour and delivery. It was a “hurry up and wait” process that started out slow and mounted with much energy and exertion towards the end.
Why did you choose the storytelling format you used?
Without question, it needed to be told in the first-person by the woman in labour. By doing so the reader can listen to her thoughts, feel her trepidation, and celebrate with her in the end. Each story is so unique and personal to both the writer and the reader. This storytelling format allows them to take the journey together.
What’s next for you as an author?
I’d like to explore other non-fiction avenues. I’ve always had an interest in short stories and personal essays; perhaps it’s time I push myself to expand that into a longer piece.
From the Publisher: As these sensitively told stories touch your heart, it will become readily evident that Christina’s compassion and conscientious focus on family and community is sincerely reflected in this collection. As an exciting new author who shows amazing promise, Christina has been totally engaged in this process from the very start, and she has certainly been a pleasure to work with. We can’t wait to see what’s next.
In these times, All Out of Womb is a beautiful place to come to, where the melding of love, pain, humour, and joy all culminate in the most miraculous outcome—new life.
Should you wish to meet some of our authors in person, including Christina and I, please join us at the East Gwillimbury Women’s Show taking place on Sat, April 25th at the Holland Landing Community Centre. As a proud repeat sponsor of this wonderful event, in support of Southlake Regional Cancer Program, we will be doing book signings, offering special pricing, and donating 20% of all book sales to help this important cause.
Here’s to helping others where we can . . . and dreams coming true!
Warmest regards,
Sheri & the I C Publishing Team
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