Family Memoirs Make a Meaningful Gift

Family Memoirs Make a Meaningful Gift

Family memoirs make a meaningful and lasting gift to our loved ones. They give us roots, and a glimpse into ourselves . . . Just think of the stories your parents and grandparents have shared with you. Imagine what they experienced in their lifetime; and what you have in yours. Stories impact us in countless ways; they entertain, intrigue, inspire, and even help us heal in our times of difficulty or grief.

6 Tips to Make your Book Concept a Reality

6 Tips to Make your Book Concept a Reality

Let’s explore some tangible ways for you to take your book ideas and concepts and turn them into reality. There’s no real right or wrong way to create/write. However, if you are going to make it work, you need to make room in your life to write– just like you would a hobby, sport, or course of study. Very few writers can steal away for weeks or months at a time to create their masterpiece/bestseller. So what’s your Plan B?