bigstock-open-book-15951827Based on my research and knowledge thus far, when it comes to traditional publishing versus independent publishing, one is not necessarily better than the other. However, there are a few key things to remember when making the decision to take either the traditional route, seek out an Independent Publisher like I C Publishing, or to even self-publish.

Let me first tell you a bit of my story as a long-time writer, and now published author and publisher.  My first literary project, Hearts Linked by Courage, was something I had been working on for quite a while.  So, when it came time for me share it with the world so-to-speak, I wasn’t prepared to submit query letters to all the mainstream publishers and wait for rejection after rejection, month after month.  I’m a pretty positive person, and my comment isn’t meant to dissuade anyone taking the traditional approach at all; it’s just that many have a slush pile so high, that if your manuscript isn’t “what’s hot” this month, you wait … and you might not get a bite at all (and not because your work isn’t good).  Although I always welcome helpful and constructive feedback too, I simply wanted to have more control in the process as a whole.

As a result, and with the onset of self-publishing and digital books, along with the great resources and knowledge I already had, I decided to produce Hearts Linked by Courage on my own.

What this reinforced for me was the following:

  • It’s important to know yourself, know your audience and the goals/purpose you have for your book.  You’ve heard me say this before, and it bears repeating.
  • Know where you’re willing to compromise and where you’re not (regardless of which route you take).  As you’ll notice in the link I’ve shared with you summarizing some info on “traditional publishing”, depending on which way you go, you may have less choice than you think.
  • Ask lots of questions and pay attention to the details as much as possible.
  • It’s also critical that the author remains engaged in the process, especially when it comes to marketing.
  • The publishing industry is changing daily, so stay tuned  🙂 …

Shortly after my experience self-publishing Hearts Linked by Courage, I reflected on how much I would’ve appreciated someone to walk me through a number of the steps, the ins and outs, the researching and comparing certain services, as well as helping me with an expanded platform to share my book and message.  This is when I decided to launch I C Publishing to help other authors like me have more choice, more support and more hands-on where they could or wished to – not to mention keep a healthier portion of their book revenues in their own pockets.

I personally research and test new products and services regularly, usually with my own projects first.  I’ve also continued to build an awesome team and great alliances in the industry in order to customize exactly what our authors need, whether it’s simply a caring and skilled editor for self-published works, help with query letters and mainstream submissions, or full publishing services so they can get onto other things (their day job, their own business and/or their next book).

As my Twitter welcome says, “I have a passion for the written word, meaningful communication, connecting & helping others … and I’d love to add support to your personal, professional and writing journey.”

Please send me your feedback! And don’t forget to leave a link back to your own blog as well if you have one, via the commentluv feature you’ll find here on the site.

Warmest regards,
