Welcome back. In our spring newsletter, I C News, I wrote about 5 Non-Tech Social Media tips in brief, and promised to expand my thoughts on the subject for authors and business owners in my next blog post. So here it is.
I share from experience, my ongoing learning, and a dash or two of common sense; not because social media is my expertise, although I think I’m getting pretty good at it :-). I do believe it’s important for us all to up our game continuously, particularly in business. There are great resources and articles literally at our fingertips these days, and there are also wonderful mentors and coaches who make their living teaching people about how to communicate in this relatively new environment. There are even professionals who will do all the work for you (bonus tip: if you are hiring someone to do the writing and posting for you as well as the technical stuff, make sure they know how to speak your language—and they “get” you and your business).
Like anything, it can be a bit of a learning curve. Yet with clear goals, an ounce of courage, and a passion to make a difference by connecting with others in a new way—you will succeed. And just as importantly, you will enjoy the journey!
Most will agree that it is important for us all to be on social media. The key is you want to be easily found and accessible to others, more now than ever. This doesn’t mean you have to be everywhere, nor does it mean you have to be “on”, let alone on-line, 24-7.
- Know your audience and where they’re most likely to be. Start on that platform and go from there.
- Especially for authors, it is critical for you to build your on-line presence (most experts say that your audience should be into the thousands on at least one platform to start). Again, get familiar with one (maybe two) platforms, build it and move onto the next.
Be sure to add a decent photo to all your social media profiles (and keep it current). When I am looking to connect with people on-line, I rarely reach out to or accept friend or connection requests if there is no photo. Also, remember “First Impressions 101”, ensuring your photo is tasteful and professional—and more specifically, consistent with the image you wish to reflect in your business.
- Do your best to keep your profiles up-to-date as well. It might sound like a lot to do, but it really isn’t. Reviewing your profiles on occasion, even a couple of times a year, should suffice unless you have significant changes happening in your career or your company’s offerings.
- Keeping your profile (services, background, etc.) current, clear and interesting also engages people who might want to connect with you on-line and potentially get to know you/your company better.
It is okay to be strategically selective when it comes to building your profile too. For example, I have a personal profile on Facebook, which you need to have if you are going to have a Business Fan Page. I consider this personal profile for business social networking only. I have a separate personal profile with my husband, so we can keep in touch with family.
- Follow (on Twitter), Send a Friend Request (on Facebook), and Invite to Connect (on LinkedIn) those whose work and posts interest you, including services you might like to know more about and/or sub-contract, as well as those who fit your potential ideal client profile.
If you’re not sure what to post, start with sharing, reposting or retweeting others’ posts that resonate with you and your message. If need be, consult with a coach or social media specialist to set you on the right path.
- Another benefit of sharing other people’s posts is the potential to build some authentic rapport with that person (especially if you don’t already know them). This is in part how some great new connections are made on-line.
- When you are posting content yourself, make sure you keep two things in mind; one, what represents you/your company well, and two, who your audience is (or is becoming, as your posts will also attract new followers).
Above all, don’t stress yourself. Take one step at a time. Reflect on the many examples in your life where you have learned new things, ultimately enjoying the experience, achieving success, and building a strength you never thought you had.
As always, I hope this blog is helpful to you. Feel free to leave your thoughts or questions below, and please do look me up on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter!
Thanks for your time and see you on-line!
Happy spring!
Warmest regards,
Hi Sheri, good points.. I especially like the one about – don’t stress yourself! 😉
Light and Love Ingrid
Hi Ingrid, I always appreciate your positive feedback. Interestingly too, I even wondered whether I should keep the “don’t stress yourself” point in my blog post, so I’m glad I did. We all need to hear those words on occasion :-).
Warmest regards, Sheri