I trust you’ve been enjoying the excellent insights and expertise being offered by our team posts; it’s just one of the many new offerings and exciting updates planned for you this year.
- You can look forward to some great tips in March on writing, as well as on visual storytelling, and sharing your story to help others.
- There’s also more below for your reading pleasure, as I have included a few snippets of my most recent articles currently being featured on a couple of other platforms, including LinkedIn.
- And visiting the ICBookstore.ca soon is a must, with the pre-launch of Communicating in a Character Culture in e-book, and the upcoming release of The Simplicity Project New Edition. Be sure to check out the numerous other titles that are on tap for mid-2015 or sooner, such as, All Out of Womb, The All Season Entrepreneur, Do You Have a Book In You?, and more. Remember too, when you support our authors by purchasing their books from the ICBookstore.ca and you buy two or more items you will save 10%!
Thanks so much for your time and interest in the work we do here at I C Publishing. We greatly appreciate your questions, positive comments and engagement on social media, and the generous sharing of our posts. Here are a few more meaty articles for you to peruse:
Do You Have a Book In You? Straight Talk to Take You from Concept to Reality
“Most of us have at least one book in us. I hear it all the time. If you think you do and you can’t stop thinking about it, keep reading.
As your personal writing and publishing coach, I am going to take you on a journey this year. Each month I will share with you a part of the creative, production, publishing, and promotion process. Here’s a sneak peek of what I’ll be covering: Where to Start, Selecting and Working with an Editor, Design and Marketing, E-Book or Print, Blogging and Social Media, Book Releases/Signings/Virtual Tours . . . and much more.
Whether you’d like to take this journey with me proverbially-speaking, or with my company, I C Publishing, we will celebrate in December 2015 when you’re enjoying the fruits of your efforts with a published book (or at least a much better understanding of what to do and look for when you are ready). . .”
To follow along, click here.
5 Easy Steps – How to blog a book?
“First, we all know the power of blogging and social media these days, so let’s start there, specifically with respect to blogging. This is almost a must for most business owners and entrepreneurs these days. Why? Because it separates the individual thought leaders from the pack. Blogging, not unlike e-newsletters as far as potential content, allows you to generously share your knowledge and experience with others. Some business people resist this, partly due to time, but even more so due to a misplaced concern for sharing “too much.” Sure, there is wisdom in using a bit of strategy here. However, how else is your audience going to understand fully that you are the go-to person in your industry or community if you don’t educate them in a way that might keep their attention, and they would value far beyond a high-priced advertisement?. . .”
For the 5 Easy Steps and full post, click here.
How to Acquire Book or Project Sponsorships
“As more authors decide to maintain creative control and copyright of their work, and consider the many other professional ways to still get their books published, this question ‘how to acquire book sponsorships’ continues to surface. Given my many years of business, networking, and fundraising experience, as well as recent research I’ve been doing, here are some concrete insights and tips that should assist you in your journey.
Make a priority list of organizations, businesses, and individuals that believe in the work you do. Make a second list of the same, with those you would like to connect with, but may not know you yet. Start with the first. If you have spaces still available, move to the second. . .”
To find out more about how to communicate your message, how to price, benefits to the sponsor, and more, you can read the full post here.
And that’s a wrap for this month!
Be kind. Be well. Be happy. Pay it forward.
Sheri and the I C Publishing Team
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