I C Publishing Introduces Rod Urquhart, Author of Life Lines

I C Publishing Introduces Rod Urquhart, Author of Life Lines

Rod’s writing explores the edges of life. He talks about suffering in silence, and brings to light that many still do. Although there is much more dialogue around mental health, we still have a way to go. Kudos to Rod for unveiling these thought-filled and provocative words; and perhaps encouraging us as well to put pen to paper to explore our innermost thoughts, and heal.

I C Publishing Unveils Next in Hearts Linked by Courage Series with CMHA

I C Publishing Unveils Next in Hearts Linked by Courage Series with CMHA

The stories in Hearts Linked by Courage from the CMHA York and South Simcoe Speakers’ Bureau both educate and inspire, and address the many choices and turning points in each journey. They instil confidence and belief that, no matter the circumstance, we are strong enough to rise above the most challenging situations life can dish out. They have opened their hearts, bared their souls, and bravely revealed to us the light at the end of the tunnel.