Exploring the Writer’s Language Toolkit – Part 2

Last week we looked at some of the most commonly used elements of punctuation and how they are used. But our punctuation, grammar and language toolkit has a lot more in it. Ellipsis …, italics, (parentheses), “scare quotes” and bold-face are the most frequently used ways to enhance the written message.

Are You a Writer? Tips on Packing Your Punctuation Tool Kit

Whether you loved your English studies or not, you’ll find the following a wonderful refresher. Kim is my publishing assistant, proof-reader and our resident expert on everything English. Creative license aside, Kim gives you lots to ponder. And next time you go to write or type a personal email, business letter or pen a book, I’m sure you will appreciate these tips on what to put in your punctuation tool kit. It might make you think twice on how best to deliver your message…

Don’t Set Goals to Write A Book or Increase Income or Change The World?!

How would accomplishing this goal change your life, personally and professionally – for you, your family, friends, colleagues or clients? Look at all angles. Would you be happy with these changes or might it be helpful to adjust your goal slightly – to ensure that the outcomes you are striving for have a lasting and positive affect all, where possible?

5 Reasons to Have Professional Photography for Your Book Publishing

1. “You only get one chance to make that first impression.” Especially true of your business portrait or “headshot”. A headshot created by a professional photographer should represent you the way you want clients to see you whether that’s confident, funny, poignant or got-it-going-on! The headshot on your book cover should attract people to your book rather than have them thinking, “ouch, looks like that’s a self-portrait” or “too bad about the shadow”. You’ve gone to all this effort to have your literary work-of-art published… go the last mile and have the headshot that will grace its cover done right.