Partner publishing with I C Publishing is a collaborative Canadian business model providing high-quality services and an ever-expanding platform of support for like-minded writers, authors and industry experts.
In addition to offering skilled project management and ongoing education and resources, sourcing the best in editing, proofing, design, typesetting and printing are top priority.
We all know the importance of paying attention to the little details, especially when those little details define how others perceive our work—especially when that work is reflected in book form. We want it to look professional and attractive, drawing in our audience and reader in every possible way.
We want choice and ultimate control over our work. We value shared platforms where other authors’ expertise are featured, and where they in turn promote, such as in the on-line I C Bookstore by I C Publishing.
Whether considering the self-publishing, partner publishing or traditional route, we understand that there are products and services we need to pay for; however, we also value keeping higher profits in our own pockets too—especially when related to our own initiatives.
As I have said many times before, there is no “right way” to publish. Determine who and what resonates with you, what your genre is, what your goals and timelines are . . . and trust that you know your work best, and will connect with the ideal company and/or individual to help you manifest your vision and bring your work to life.
Partner Publishing with I C Publishing:
- Assists with all aspects of book production and publishing. On the odd occasion, if we don’t have a service or information an author is seeking, we can definitely point them in the right direction, and often introduce them to other professionals that can help.
- Upon completion and full payment by author, we always make available all design, printing specs and electronic files. That said, we also pride ourselves in the relationships we build with our clients and the peace of mind that keeps them wanting to work with us and refer their friends and colleagues.
- We feature our authors on our Professional account, our growing social media platforms, and provide them with a back link to their own book page at which we design and pay for—and we are creating more add-value components at every turn.
- For added exposure individually and collectively, and where it is a fit genre-wise, etc., we invite our authors to participate in business and community events to do interactive book signings.
- We work with long-established companies to source the best possible type-setting, printing services and associated prices in Canada, and pass those savings on to the author. They can buy as little as 100 or as many as 500 to 1,000 or more, based on their goals and budget. After one-time production costs that most authors incur (i.e. editing, design, etc.), the author can look forward to significantly higher revenue in book sales based on the pricing we are able to acquire for them. The only time I C Publishing receives any revenue is when a sale is made through our platforms, where there is a nominal administration percentage charged for handling (and sometimes fulfilment, again depending on the author’s preferences and goals).
The publishing industry is in a state of flux, not uncommon to many industries at one point or another. I value my colleagues and other professionals who speak and write about this with the respect and ongoing research and education it deserves, versus painting aspects of the industry with one proverbial brush. I believe in sharing our insights and opinions with grace and wisdom. Albeit that we will not agree on everything, or quote all individuals perfectly or completely, we should be mindful just the same; there is a way to help enlighten others, and there is a way to add to the confusion and half-truths based on half-knowledge.
I choose the enlightened path, working with and for others in a collaborative, kind and supportive way.
Please share your feedback with our readers and with me. And, don’t forget to leave a link back to your own blog if you have one via the commentluv feature here on the site.
Until next time,