What does conscious writing and publishing mean? To me, it’s putting our whole heart and mind into our work.
We embrace the words that dance in our heads, and we hope and trust, as they land on our computer screen awaiting our every move. Then we share, sometimes gingerly, always courageously, in anticipation that the reader will be inspired and engaged . . .
The word “conscious” has always been a meaningful one in my vocabulary, and I’ve seen it used a fair bit recently in association with business and mentoring. Perhaps it’s similar to the way the word “holistic” surfaced a few years ago in attempts to differentiate one’s approach and offerings as well. I’ve never been one to follow the trends and buzz words blindly, however, there are some that make me stop and take notice . . . So I notice.
The word, conscious, means mindful, cognizant, aware, sentient . . . Let’s those words sink into your being, and ask yourself, isn’t this the kind of writing you want to do? Isn’t this the kind of professional support you’d like to have when you’re ready to take your next steps as an author or business owner?
Shouldn’t all writing be thoughtful? When we read something that a writer has put their all into, you can tell. It affects you. It engages you, almost regardless of whether or not you agree with every word they’ve written. There’s intelligence, strength, and richness that is felt long after the first time you read them.
Whether authoring a book, creating website content, your bio, social media posts, or writing an article or email, there are sure fire ways to connect with others in your own unique way, stand out from the crowd, and be remembered. Here are just a few to get you started on the best path for 2016:
- Instead of just stating the facts, which are important too, explore ways of sharing the same info just a little differently to peak the reader’s curiosity and encourage them to continue reading. Pretend you are the reader/audience for a moment, and see how the words feel to you. This is a good first test to see if your words need tweaking a bit.
- Always begin with something interesting and energizing.
- Look up word synonyms for more variety and impact, versus always using the same old-same old. The longer the article or book, this can really make a difference.
- Often. Beyond the many other benefits, it can definitely inspire great writing.
- When forming and planning your content, ask yourself the question, “What do my prospective clients or readers want to hear or need help with?”
- Recognize the value of having your writing proofread, at the very least, before publishing. Editing can elevate your work even more so, and give you great examples of how you can progress with your own writing.
- Be consistent in your approach, content, and sharing. This is integral to your personal and professional branding.
Last but not least, and along the same vein, conscious publishing is about being mindful and aware of your message and how you package and market it; and aligning yourself with those of like-minds and hearts to help you achieve these goals with integrity and significance to you.
We wish you continued success in all your endeavours. If you enjoy our blog posts here at I C Publishing, be sure to use the search bar at the top right corner of your screen. This will give you instant access to lots of helpful information and encouragement. Remember too, we’re on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, too. I also have my own author/mentor page on Facebook should you wish to follow along there.
Whether you’re just beginning your author journey, or in the thick of it, you may also want to check out my newest e-book called, Do You Have a Book In You? – Straight Talk to Take You from Concept to Reality. With 16 chapters including three bonus ones on how to blog a book, sell more books, and write your memoir; and just 47 pages (in PDF), you can even print it off, make notes throughout, and reference with ease.
All the best for a healthy, prosperous, and joy-filled new year!
Sheri and the I C Publishing Team
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