What is Partner Publishing? – Continued

What is Partner Publishing? – Continued

You might be asking “what is Partner Publishing?” The short answer is that partner publishing bridges the gap between self and traditional publishing. I recently had a local TV interview where the host asked this same question. In my dialogue with him I added that one isn’t necessarily better than the other, each simply provides the writer/author with choices based on a number of factors, including his/her:

My Writing Process Blog Tour

My Writing Process Blog Tour

I think most writers are unique in their own right. We all have a story to tell, something that resonates deep within us. My writing is usually non-fiction based on real life and business experience. When I learn something, it infuses into my work and writing almost instantly. Whether I am working one-to-one with an author or business client, or sharing my insights and expertise on paper or computer screen, it’s just a conversation, sharing something that is intended to support, encourage or guide that person in the way they need it most.

IC Publishing Introduces Jenn Pike, Local Author

My intention with The Simplicity Project is to inspire people by making a few simple shifts at a time. I want to encourage people to truly sit back and ask themselves, “how do I want to feel”, and to make being vital and vibrant their goal more so then looking a certain way. When you nourish your body through good food, exercise, and a healthy mindset, I can promise you the body you are craving will follow.

I also want to teach people what mainstream nutrition and healthy living information is not. I want consumers to know what they are buying and using, and how those products can and will affect both in a positive and negative way.