Holiday Greetings in a Noisy World
It’s a Noisy World Wishing you joy-filled holidays and best wishes for vibrant health, happiness, and meaningful success in 2019 is our heartfelt intent of this greeting. It’s also to encourage you to Be You, your best you in this very noisy world, bloom where you’re...
Sheri’s Holiday Message: Why Not You?
Is it time for you to write a new story for yourself this season and coming year? Are there some decisions you need to make, or healthy changes you want to initiate? What about volunteer work? And/or perhaps putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard to write your first or next book?

Interview with Publisher, Author, and Mentor, Sheri Andrunyk
Check out the full and lively podcast interview I had on Aha Moments for Success with Anita Heidema. One listener said it was just like sitting with their friends around the kitchen table, she loved it. Perhaps it will serve as a positive refresher of what you already know. At the same time, there may be a story or experience we share that will give you a new perspective on something you’ve never considered before. Either way, I hope you enjoy.

The Power of Personal Influence
Every moment of your life you are changing, to a degree, the life of the whole world. Every man and woman has an ‘atmosphere’ which is affecting others. So silently and invisibly does this atmosphere work, we may forget at times it exists. Yet all the great forces of nature—light, heat, electricity, gravitation—are silent and invisible. In all nature, the wonders of the ‘seen’ are dwarfed to insignificance when compared to the majesty and glory of the ‘unseen.’
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