Making the World a Better Place – One Person, One Book at a Time
This is what it feels like at I C Publishing every day, that we’re playing a precious part in making the world a better place by partnering with like-minded and like-hearted individuals who have a passion for sharing what they’ve lived and learned to help others. Yes,...
Sheri’s Holiday Message: Why Not You?
Is it time for you to write a new story for yourself this season and coming year? Are there some decisions you need to make, or healthy changes you want to initiate? What about volunteer work? And/or perhaps putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard to write your first or next book?

Exciting I C Publishing News
After our busiest year yet, we’re expanding our team again and catching up on sharing all the good news . . . beginning with six fascinating new author interviews where you’ll not only hear about their awesome new publications you’ll also be inspired to step into your own power and build, create, or write—whatever your calling—and use your voice and your gifts for good. Check it out, and watch for more to follow soon!

Interview with Publisher, Author, and Mentor, Sheri Andrunyk
Check out the full and lively podcast interview I had on Aha Moments for Success with Anita Heidema. One listener said it was just like sitting with their friends around the kitchen table, she loved it. Perhaps it will serve as a positive refresher of what you already know. At the same time, there may be a story or experience we share that will give you a new perspective on something you’ve never considered before. Either way, I hope you enjoy.

Process to Prosperity
I work daily with author and coaching clients, and the fundamentals of success remain the same in many ways. Here, I’ve included a few excerpts from each of my Process to Prosperity Series’ posts (Staying Power, Daily Disciplines, and Recalibrate), so you can read all three or pick the one that resonate most for where you’re at. Enjoy.
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