After our busiest year yet, we’re expanding our team again and catching up on sharing all the good news . . . beginning with six fascinating new author interviews where you’ll not only hear about their awesome new publications you’ll also be inspired to step into your own power and build, create, or write—whatever your calling—and use your voice and your gifts for good.
You’ll get a glimpse of what it’s really like to be a family physician today and an archaeological snapshot of 19th Century Ontario. You’ll learn about the benefits of intuitive painting and how easy it is to do, follow an authentic journey to wellness from serious life-affecting addiction . . . And we’ll round out our author interviews featuring two adorable new children’s stories, one bringing us back to our roots on the farm, and the other providing us with lasting lessons for a happy life in six sweet little vignettes.
We hope you don’t mind hearing from us weekly this month and next while we catch you up on everything.
Remember too, if you are on our blog and newsletter distribution already and haven’t yet received a copy of my e-book, Do You Have a Book In You? or Working From Home & Making It Work, feel free to email us this week at and let us know which one you’d like. It’s our personal thanks for your ongoing interest and support in the work we do. If you’re new to our network and distribution and would like to keep in touch and receive our blogs and newsletter on a regular basis as well, sign-up here and you too can receive your choice of e-book free.
In the meantime, for even more encouragement and resources for authors, writers, and business owners, pour yourself your favourite beverage and browse through our previous blog posts covering everything from new releases and writing advice, to social media, self-management, and success tips.
Stay tuned for more upcoming news and tidbits.
Know someone else who would enjoy this blog? Feel free to share it with family, friends, and on social media. Happy reading!
Sheri Andrunyk
I C Publishing & Consulting / I C Bookstore
Committed to Quality Content, Design, and Platform
Bridging the gap between self and traditional publishing
Coaching and mentoring in business for over 30 years
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