write a new story Write a New Story’ is a great metaphor for many things in our lives.

Sometimes it’s about creating healthier habits. It could be initiating important changes in the way you contribute to your key relationships – or making a decision to move beyond an existing situation.

Either way, what’s most important is recognizing the choices we have and acting on those choices with honesty, wisdom and compassion. As we know, the outcomes that develop are stronger-decision making skills, more confidence, courage, personal happiness and fulfillment of purpose.

Given that it’s the time of year when many of us have had a break and taken time to reflect on where we’re at (and where we’re not), let’s look at three areas that this could pertain to:

Your Personal Journey

Are there changes you need to make? Are there things you need to learn? Take stock of your challenges – and also what your strengths are and put them to greater use to support what you want and deserve in life! Remember too, it takes 21 days to form a habit, good or bad – so get your calendar out and start charting your success!

Your Life’s Work

Do you love what you do? Could you love what you do? Are you ‘showing up everyday’ in a way that speaks to the kind of person you are or wish to be?

Are you looking for the ‘positives’ and recognizing the options you have, or are you ‘standing in your own way’? If you ‘see’ that you are impeding your own progress (versus blaming someone else for your misfortune), the good news is that the solution is in your hands also!

The Book In You

If this is something you’ve always wanted to do, the great thing is that it is quite attainable these days. But how and where do you to start? Here are some tips: 1) If you haven’t begun writing yet, try creating your preface first, outlining the intention of your message. Also, chunk your tasks into bite-size pieces, considering chapter titles and content, and build from there. 2) Know what your goals are for your book and 3) Hire a good editor, someone that ‘gets you and your message’.

One other challenge that applies to all of the above is ‘time’, wouldn’t you agree?! Try doing what I call a Wellness Journal. Customize it in any way that fits for you. Simply make note of what fills all of your hours and days for one entire week (168 hours). Be as detailed as you can, and you will quickly see some areas that you can refine, in order to make more room for your ideal life!

I encourage you to surround yourself with caring, heart-centered, forward-thinking friends and colleagues… And whatever your story is or the new one you’re meant to write, literally or figuratively; don’t wait any longer… Gather the resources and support you need and GO FOR IT!

I’d love your feedback! And here on this blog, you’ll get commentluv. This is a wonderful opportunity to leave a link back to your own blog when you leave a comment.

Until next time,
