The Adventures of Gilda is a beautiful and magical story; a traditional tale in many ways, yet sprinkled throughout are intriguing twists and turns that we can relate to in today’s world. Quite interestingly and creatively, it incorporates some of life’s important lessons and choices such as leaving home for a big opportunity, taking care of nature, and consequences of being mean.
It is obvious that the author, Ole Madsen, believes deeply in the value of reading to our children and grandchildren, and in providing them space to explore their own thoughts and imagination beyond our contemporary screens in this day and age. We agree wholeheartedly as well.
Enjoy a glimpse into Ole’s journey in my interview with him below:
What inspired you to write this book?
I think reading as much as I did as a child contributed a lot. I read Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina (some 900+ pages) when I was 12, The Brothers Karamazov (800+ pages) by Dostoyevsky at 15, and everything in between.
Reading as much as I did made me admire and respect the authors and the written word for all the pleasure they gave to me. And right from my teenage years I swore I would be a writer someday.
Well it never happened until a few years ago; a cousin of mine and I got together for the first time. She was very young when I left for Canada; therefore we never got to know one another. As it turned out we had a lot in common, and she became my muse, and encouraged me to go home and start writing.
And I did.
After The Adventures of Gilda, I wrote three novellas (still to be published), and many short stories and poems.
What do you want others to gain from your book?
Nothing too heavy here, only to be entertained . . . Yet also, from the words on the paper, that the story engages the reader’s mind in a way that they take the story even further than just what I have written. In other words, to dream a little . . .
What was your creative process for this project?
I came home from my visit to Copenhagen and knew this was it, I turned on the computer, wrote the first word, and then the next followed. A week later it was done. It came by itself word after word. No plot, I never knew what I was going to write the next day.
Why did you choose the storytelling format you used?
On the same trip to Copenhagen to my childhood home, I picked up a children’s’ book of mine. On the inside page my mother had written, “To Ole on his 6 years’ birthday.” It brought back many memories, especially as both my parents had departed. I think this book was instrumental in me wanting to write a children story as my first attempt to become a storyteller.
What is next as an author?
After writing The Adventures of Gilda, I set out to challenge myself further, and what I wrote next was an adult love story. From there, a crime story, and then one about the power struggle between the Angels and Satan, written for teenagers. I have another one in the works too. However, I have not much time to be a creative writer, so it is slow going.
Allow me to add, that though I take myself seriously, for me to claim the title of author, well it doesn’t seem to fit yet. Perhaps someday. For now, it is a great hobby.
A big thanks to Sheri and the rest of the I C Publishing team for making the whole process of bringing a book to market that much easier.
Ole is a highly imaginative and captivating storyteller. The way he’s imparted his vision of the elves and Gilda’s adventures to Nick Welsh, the illustrator, is truly fascinating. The end result is a sweet treat for the mind and eyes. As Ole says, Nick has been an integral part of bringing this enchanting narrative to fruition. What a team!
We’re happy to have played a part in bringing The Adventures of Gilda to life. You can pick up your own copy right here in our online bookstore.
Happy reading and imagining . . .!
Warmest regards,
Sheri Andrunyk
I C Publishing & Consulting / I C Bookstore
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