I’ve been feeling compelled to write and create more lately. What about you?
As much as the two are a significant part of my everyday work, for which I’m fortunate, it takes on a different look and even deeper feel when it comes to my personal journey.
When I look ahead to my path this year, as I’ve done for many years and seasons, I think about the gentle and ongoing fine-tuning of my days to support my values and aspirations. I can hardly believe that in June I turn sixty. What is that saying . . . sixty is the new fifty or forty? LOL. Count me in. Aside from the serious concerns that weigh on many of us these days due to the pandemic, I feel more vibrant and stronger than I have in a long while. It’s like I have another lifetime still to live, this time grounded in the wisdom I’ve gained. And I’m the most me I’ve been in a long time.
When I started with the title of this blog, to journey or to finish, or both, I was pondering the small steps and shifts I’ve come to realize work best for me. For example, like the type of books I seek to read, what new foods and recipes I want to try, how to spruce up my exercise routine, clean out the proverbial closet at home, or support a more consistent meditation practice. I hope that sharing a few of my thoughts in this regard might help others.
Regardless of what the task is, and this very much includes writing too, I’ve often found a daily approach works for me, particularly in the beginning of creating or recommitting to an activity or approach to something I want to become habitual in the best sense possible.
Here are some examples:
- I recently ordered a couple of books that I was really drawn to; however, lately, reading at night my eyes have been a little too tired—I guess I am too—and I find I’m reading the same page over and over. What I realized in this case is that, although I’m keen to get into these books, based on their subject matter I’m better to read earlier in the day. Knowing the benefits, even fifteen minutes will do, and longer if I have the time. With this in mind, I decided to order two more books (yes, I did, and book lovers will understand too – LOL) that I hope will be perfect for nighttime perusing and will ultimately whisk me away into dreamland. I’m sure they will.
- I’ve been missing my weekly workouts with my personal trainer. Funny, it still feels almost indulgent to say I have a personal trainer, although it was the best decision I could’ve made at the time. I started with Melissa in 2018 following a serious shoulder injury and now I have full range of motion and I’m stronger than before the injury. In any case, I decided to invest in a rowing machine this year, nothing too grand, just enough to add some variety and motivation to my exercise routine. The goal, to keep moving. Turn up the music.
- These past couple of years I’ve been leaning towards a more gluten-free diet. I’ve always been a foodie and loved to cook and bake, and I’ve had amazing influences in my life including my paternal grandmother and mother-in-law. That said, the change to gluten-free has been an interesting journey. A positive one for the most part. Initially though, it wasn’t as easy as changing up a recipe or trying a new one with a pinch of this and a pinch of that, which is the way I learned. Now that I’m figuring it out and feeling a little more relaxed in the kitchen again, not only does cooking feed my creative side it’s also a good stress reliever. I still batch cook a lot as I’ve always done, although now I also hold a little more space for simply popping into the kitchen as the mood strikes and making just one new recipe that’s calling to me.
As I penned the above, there’s another benefit—imagine that. This stuff helps my writing. In fact, it helps everything including my mental health. It’s amazing when you write where it can take you.
True. Not every day looks or feels the same, and sometimes we just need to take a break from even the good stuff. Rest. And go at it again tomorrow. These days, more than ever, our personal and work time require care and balance, a thoughtful steadiness that is sustainable and brings out the best in each of us.
I wish this for you.
Thank you to our clients, the courageous and inspiring authors we get to work with every day. We are tremendously grateful for your confidence, your collaboration, and mutual appreciation.
May 2021 see us all rise to new occasions and opportunities. Fill our cup. Stay safe and well and kind.
To journey or to finish. Let’s do both.
With warmest regards,
Image by Nahchon Guyton from Pixabay
Sheri Andrunyk ©2021, Publisher, Senior Writer, Mentor, Author
Founder of the Hearts Linked by Courage Project
I C Publishing & Consulting / I C Bookstore
Committed to Quality Content, Design, and Platform
Bridging the gap between self and traditional publishing
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