Blog Idea Turns into Wonderful Book by Dr Laura von Hagen

Blog Idea Turns into Wonderful Book by Dr Laura von Hagen

Dr. Laura von Hagen draws you in at the first chapter, The Loneliest Club I Never Asked to Join, sharing her own path to pregnancy, and helping us appreciate the difficult challenges of infertility due to polycystic ovarian syndrome. Then she proceeds to educate us about PCOS, and present solid research, professional insights, and positive options women can consider should they be dealing with PCOS themselves.

5 Reasons to Have Professional Photography for Your Book Publishing

1. “You only get one chance to make that first impression.” Especially true of your business portrait or “headshot”. A headshot created by a professional photographer should represent you the way you want clients to see you whether that’s confident, funny, poignant or got-it-going-on! The headshot on your book cover should attract people to your book rather than have them thinking, “ouch, looks like that’s a self-portrait” or “too bad about the shadow”. You’ve gone to all this effort to have your literary work-of-art published… go the last mile and have the headshot that will grace its cover done right.