Is Life Getting in the Way of Your Creativity?

I’m extra excited about the content of this blog and next week’s, since I believe these are some of the real secrets to helping people move into action and manifest their dreams – whether creating the content for your first book and/or next, developing a new product, program or service … or making changes to have a healthier, happier relationship! We all have things that we aspire to creating; however, life can get in the way.

Connecting With the Written Word

That said, there are times that we’ve all read an email or article, and then found ourselves re-reading it. We often spend extra time, attempting to understand the message, sometimes second-guessing, and trying not to be offended or turned off by the language or brevity of the correspondence. We’ll even put off responding until we have a bit more clarity.

Here’s some tips to help you build rapport when corresponding by email, something almost everyone does everyday: