Do You Love to Write?
Do you love to write and, if so, do you make time to? Have you started a manuscript that you’d like to get back to? If it is inspiration you’re looking for, the best way to get the motivation to accomplish something is to simply start. As Nike says, just do it. Just...
I C Publishing Unveils New Author, Tanya Willis, featuring Cookie Dough in the Dark
If there is one quality that shone through the creative process of bringing this beautiful book to light, it would be courage. That’s what it took, and then some, for Tanya to overcome the challenges she has faced with sugar addiction. How brave it was of Tanya to...
Is it Time to Write a New Story?
To write a new story is a great metaphor for many things in our lives. Sometimes it’s about creating healthier habits. It could be initiating important changes in the way you contribute to your key relationships, or making a decision to move beyond an existing situation. Either way, what’s most important is recognizing the choices we have and acting on those choices with honesty, wisdom, and compassion. As we know, the outcomes that develop are stronger decision-making skills, more confidence, courage, personal happiness, and fulfillment of purpose.

10 Steps for More Success Now – in Writing and Life
If you daydream often, or lay awake thinking and imagining what it would be like to have . . . more confidence, a larger network, loving relationships, your own business, meaningful success, or yes, even your name on a book you’ve authored. . . I’m here to tell you it is possible. Here’s how.
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