10 Ways to Take the Next Steps! – Sharing our Work and Stories

Then as quickly and as passionately do those thoughts arise, we also experience ones of self-doubt, second-guessing ourselves at every turn. ‘Not to mention that if we waited for everyone’s approval and confidence we thought mattered, we would be waiting an eternity. I have come to realize that this is selfish. Yes, selfish, because there are likely people who need to hear from YOU now, to be changed, encouraged and influenced by your story, your compassion and your journey . . . NOW.

Everyone Has A Story

She called it Partner Publishing (not self-publishing, not vanity publishing and not traditional publishing). That made sense to me, since it has been my intention all along to partner with inspiring individuals who were ready to tell their story and wanted someone to help them do it … while keeping the control in their hands and more money in their pockets.

Live A Life That Matters

It’s been quite the year of growth and learning, and I couldn’t think of a better message to wrap up 2012 than Live A Life That Matters.

Thanks for your ongoing support and patience these past couple of months, especially while we were busy expanding the I C Bookstore on-line and launching the Virtual Book Tour for my next book, Working From Home & Making It Work©.

Traditional Versus Independent Publishing

Shortly after my experience self-publishing Hearts Linked by Courage, I reflected on how much I would’ve appreciated someone to walk me through a number of the steps, the ins and outs, the researching and comparing certain services, as well as helping me with an expanded platform to share my book and message. This is when I decided to launch I C Publishing to help other authors like me have more choice, more support and more hands-on where they could or wished to – not to mention keep a healthier portion of their book revenues in their own pockets.

Would You Put That in Writing?

Today’s blog asks the question, “Would you put that in writing?” In this age of technology and 24/7 conversation over a multitude of social media platforms and devices, it couldn’t be more important to think about.

Whether you are communicating with friends and acquaintances, business colleagues, or penning your next book, I’m sure you will find this super food-for-thought.