Expert Interview Series with Sheri Andrunyk
It is almost too easy to push out a book these days, and there are many different reasons one might want to write and publish a book. As a result, it is vital that authors do their utmost to learn about and understand the path that is best for their genre, goals, and so on.

The New World of Publishing Series – Part 1 of 2
In the New World of Publishing Series we’re going to touch on five main elements of this exciting, ever changing, and often-confusing industry. It’s that time of year when many individuals regroup and revisit their goals, and think about what they still want to...8 Essential Factors – From Final Manuscript to Published Book
You have a close-to-final manuscript, now what? I remember that feeling when I wrote and compiled Hearts Linked by Courage! I had so many questions. This week I’m going to share with you some of what I learned, providing you with a few key steps to take you from your final manuscript to a published book to help enlighten the publishing or self-publishing path.
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