The Power of Personal Influence

The Power of Personal Influence

Every moment of your life you are changing, to a degree, the life of the whole world. Every man and woman has an ‘atmosphere’ which is affecting others. So silently and invisibly does this atmosphere work, we may forget at times it exists. Yet all the great forces of nature—light, heat, electricity, gravitation—are silent and invisible. In all nature, the wonders of the ‘seen’ are dwarfed to insignificance when compared to the majesty and glory of the ‘unseen.’

I C Publishing Presents Composer Cameron Austin

I C Publishing Presents Composer Cameron Austin

Empress and the Prairie Girl is a thoughtful little story perfect for our time. Not only does it eloquently address a universal experience most parents endure at some point, it also includes the underlying emotion that accompanies it . . . that of our children growing up far too quickly before our eyes. Author and composer, Cameron Austin, has created a beautiful relationship between Empress and the Prairie Girl, and with each turn of a page invites us to travel along their path in life with great sensitivity.

Welcome to I C News Autumn 2016

Welcome to I C News Autumn 2016

The landscape of our work has continued to evolve over the years. We believe that this is a great thing, and representative of our individual and collective growth, and the ripple effect of our efforts and that of our clients and colleagues. We’re committed as ever to you, our reader, to present an abundance of motivational reads, information about online and in-person events, and exceptional expertise on a variety of subjects including, of course, publishing, business, self-development, and entrepreneurship in today’s fast-moving culture and climate of change.

Our Newest Author, Cori von Graffen-Adair

Our Newest Author, Cori von Graffen-Adair

The Day an Angel Came to Visit is sure to become a family keepsake for all who read it, as it gently takes us through a very poignant time of life, the loss of a loved one. In the case of this precious prose, it’s the loss of Cori’s little boy at the tender age of four and half years . . . Cori’s words helps young and old alike to embrace times like these with courage, incredible appreciation for the ones we miss, and profound joy in the dreams and memories that we hold dear.

Do You Need a Ghostwriter? 6 Points to Ponder

Do You Need a Ghostwriter? 6 Points to Ponder

You might think you’d like to hire a ghostwriter to write your book for you, however, there’s wisdom in considering what your actual needs are first. This way, whether you decide to write your book yourself or have someone else do it for you, you’ll make a better decision overall. You will also have a better appreciation for the depth and breadth of the work you are investing in . . .

The Value of One-to-One Coaching and Consulting

The Value of One-to-One Coaching and Consulting

Over and over again, the value of one-to-one coaching and consulting has been proven indispensable in most of our careers, especially when we’ve aligned ourselves with the right person . . . for us. Although many coaching and consulting models for business owners and authors have changed to try and reach the masses, I still believe that having a meaningful conversation with an authentic expert one-to-one can pay significant dividends over group sessions. Both can be very beneficial, of course . . .

6 Tips to Make your Book Concept a Reality

6 Tips to Make your Book Concept a Reality

Let’s explore some tangible ways for you to take your book ideas and concepts and turn them into reality. There’s no real right or wrong way to create/write. However, if you are going to make it work, you need to make room in your life to write– just like you would a hobby, sport, or course of study. Very few writers can steal away for weeks or months at a time to create their masterpiece/bestseller. So what’s your Plan B?

Why You Might Want to Write a Book

Why You Might Want to Write a Book

Most will agree they have at least one book in them. Since I have written a total of three books so far, I can tell you it’s really not as daunting as it sounds, it’s actually very exciting and freeing . . . when you’re ready and you have the right support in place. So, what’s your story? Have you always dreamed of writing a book? Are you a business owner with a particular area of expertise? If so, where do you start?

Is it Time to Write a New Story?

Is it Time to Write a New Story?

To write a new story is a great metaphor for many things in our lives. Sometimes it’s about creating healthier habits. It could be initiating important changes in the way you contribute to your key relationships, or making a decision to move beyond an existing situation. Either way, what’s most important is recognizing the choices we have and acting on those choices with honesty, wisdom, and compassion. As we know, the outcomes that develop are stronger decision-making skills, more confidence, courage, personal happiness, and fulfillment of purpose.