by Sheri | Nov 3, 2020 | Archaeology, New Release, Ontario History, Our Lands Speak
With more than half a century in the field of archaeology, scholar and author of a multitude of industry papers, articles, studies, and books including Our Land Speaks series of now five volumes and growing, Bill Finlayson is the senior-most archaeologist in Ontario. The sacredness of his work and his humble, yet passionate, approach to it is undeniable, and nowhere more so than in this landmark study, “The Draper Site, an Ontario Woodland Tradition Frontier Coalescent Village in Southern Ontario, Canada: Looking Back, Moving Forward.” Now available exclusively through I C Publishing.
by Sheri | Sep 16, 2020 | Caregiving, Healthy Aging, New Release, Retirement Planning
Author Sue Lantz brings so much to her first solo book. In addition to her obvious professional expertise, Sue’s passion and remarkable attention to detail jumps off every page. It is evident, and fortunate for the reader, that Sue has done the research and legwork to support everything she serves up in Options Open – The Guide for Mapping Your Best Aging Journey, so one can be confident in taking her thoughtful guidance. As Sue shares, investing time and energy now to explore your options expands your choices later.
by Sheri Andrunyk | Apr 23, 2014 | Marketing, Personal Development
Welcome back. In our spring newsletter, I C News, I wrote about 5 Non-Tech Social Media tips in brief, and promised to expand my thoughts on the subject for authors and business owners in my next blog post. So here it is.
by Sheri Andrunyk | Feb 19, 2014 | Marketing, Personal Development, Publishing, Self Development
What do you need most? I know this is a loaded question, but it’s one that I reflect on often . . . What do I need most in this situation, to embrace an opportunity, or engage with someone new? Of course, there are many qualities and traits we must cultivate in order...
by Sheri | Dec 12, 2013 | Marketing, Personal Development, Self Development
What comes to mind when you think of “meaningful communication”? Communication that is discerning, respectful, thoughtful, sensitive, perceptive . . . And what about “meaningful success”? Although the answer to this question can be different depending on whom you ask—the clear interpretation here is success that has significance and purpose.
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